Spyrock Cardigans History
Spyrock Cardigans began with Glenn Schieffer many years ago in Albuquerque at the National Arab Show. It was there his first experience with Cardigans took place. He was in a barn where he came across a very pregnant Cardi who wanted to do nothing but play fetch all day with him, he was hooked. He made arrangements to get a puppy from this particular litter. Turns out she had her puppies on her families travel back home to Alabama from the horse show. A little while later he ended up w/ a blue merle female, Dixie My Alabama Gal HI. Dixie has been referred to by those who knew as a herding fool, and was the beginning of Spyrock Cardigans. In their years together Glenn and Dixie completed her HI title.
Dixie doing what she loved best.